Brindisi (Italy), 4 July 2024 (09:00-14:30)

Brindisi (Italy), 4 July 2024 (09:00-14:30)



Event details

When: 4 July 2024 (9:00-14:30)

Where: Brindisi (Italy)

Participation is FREE, registration is REQUIRED

This event is organized as a part of the FURHY project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement 101091828.

We look forward to welcoming you on 4 July 2024 for an engaging discussion at our workshop on “Eco-design of composite materials” which will take place in Brindisi (Italy). We delve into cutting-edge technologies and innovative strategies that are revolutionizing the world of composites and their recyclability.

Hosted by CETMA and backed by the FURHY Consortium, this event promises unique opportunities to interact with leading international researchers and industry pioneers at the helm of this dynamic field. Don't miss out on this chance to be part of shaping the future of composite materials!


Workshop venue

The workshop will take place on 4 July 2024 and will be hosted by CETMA, S.S. 7 Appia, km 706+30, Cittadella della Ricerca in Brindisi (Italy). 

Registration & contacts

The REGISTRATION to attend the event is open until 1 July 2024 at 17:00 CET. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information you may need.

e-mail:, phone contact: (+34) 0831449111


Moderator: Alessandra PASSARO, CETMA, Director of Advanced Materials & Processes Consulting Department

09:00 Registration, welcome coffee

09:30 Welcome speech & introduction, Alessandra PASSARO, CETMA

09:35 Eco-design of bio-based and recyclable composite materials, Luigia LONGO, CETMA

09:50 Eco-design of manufacturing processes for the development of functional composite materials, Raffaele LONGO, Università degli Studi di Salerno

10:10 Enabling sustainable composite materials: an insight into national and international research, Stijn VAN VREKHEM, CENTEXBEL

10:30 Closed loop recycling of bio-based composites from food waste, Antonio GRECO, Università del Salento

10:50 Sustainable composites for automotive applications, Frazer BARNES, GEN2CARBON

11:10 Coffee break

11:30 Vitrimer matrix composites repair capabilities evaluation, Marco L. LONGANA, Politecnico di Milano

11:50 Biobased epoxy resin for prepreg applications, Luca CAPPELLA, Nano-Tech

12:10 Sustainable composites (biobased or recyclable): applications, engineering, waste management, recycle and reuse, Claudio MINGAZZINI, ENEA

12:30 Recyclable composite windblade for wind offshore sector (MAREWIND project), Gloria Anna CARALLO, RINA

12:50 Biocomposites for high-performance applications, Vincenzo CASTORANI, HP Composites

13:10 Light lunch

14:30 End of event

Meet the Speakers

  • Alessandra PASSARO (Moderator)

    CETMA, Director of Advanced Materials & Processes Consulting Department


  • Luigia LONGO

    CETMA, FURHY-project coordinator, Chemistry


  • Raffaele LONGO

    Università degli Studi di Salerno, Assistant Professor in Chemical Fundamentals of Technologies, Department of Industrial Engineering



    CENTEXBEL, Research scientist

  • Antonio GRECO

    Università del Salento, Associate Professor in Materials Science and Technology

  • Frazer BARNES



  • Marco L. LONGANA

    Politecnico di Milano, Tenure Track Assistant Professor (RTDb)



    Nano-Tech, Product development/Technical sales engineer


  • Claudio MINGAZZINI

    ENEA, Researcher and startupper


  • Gloria Anna CARALLO

    RINA, Consultant for LCA, LCC, SLCA activities, focused on the improvement of industrial circularity and product sustainability improvement


  • Vincenzo CASTORANI

    HP Composites, R&D Project manager